Bank Mandiri president director Zulkifli Zaini said, still do more research to determine the alleged theft of customer data. Until recently, it was discovered dozens of customer credit card and debit card were stolen data.
"We still check about the allegations, whether it comes from the Electronic Data Capture (EDC) of Bank Mandiri or not. We are careful about this," Zulkifli said when met at the office of PLN Jakarta, Tuesday (03/19/2013).
Misuse of credit cards and debit cards is the case when customers Bank and other banks (BCA) transactions in one fashion retail outlets, Body Shop in Indonesia. Apparently there is a person who does data theft when buyers transact using credit cards.
"Indeed, debit cards and credit cards we can do to transact in any bank EDC. But this should be clear first, the card belongs to which banks and bank-owned EDC him everywhere," he added.
Problem affairs indemnify the customer funds, Zulkifli was reluctant to comment. Currently they are still researching the truth about the alleged misuse of the card transaction.
While Micro and Retail Banking Director of Bank Mandiri Budi Gunadi Sadikin said it is now using a special tool from Visa to detect early on the potential for fraud is happening.
"Customers affected by the potential loss of tens only a little over USD 100 million," said Budi.
In anticipation of the incident being repeated, the bank was immediately put risk management system for customer transactions coming from the United States and Mexico.
Genesis theft of customer data is not just happening at the moment. Year 2010, a similar incident had occurred, especially in large banks. But the machine is not used EDC, but the automated teller machine (ATM).
In the mouth of the machine to insert an ATM card, the data thieves have included a special scanning tool to be able to steal customer data, especially for data capturing Personal Identification Number (PIN).
When the customer out of the ATM, the thief will take the results of this data will be scanning the ATM card and the data can be used to transact anywhere.
The case, Bank Indonesia (BI) as the banking regulator in Indonesia made a special tool to anticipate this data theft. This tool is a kind of duck mouth so that no data thief can enter a card scanning device. On the other hand, the banks and ATM managers also adds keyboard cover on the ATM machine. This is to be aware of peeping PIN by others.
In addition, to prevent other negative things, banking and ATM managers also install a hidden camera to be aware of the crime that could possibly happen.
From the regulator itself, the central bank will now require banks to make credit cards and debit cards should use the system chip, magnetic stripe is not like that currently exists. The use of the chip on the credit card to anticipate the credit card crime.
As for credit card transactions with the magnetic stripe is already banned. While the debit card, the magnetic stripe is only prohibited from January 1, 2016.
2 komentar:
great information....i got the message thank you so much...
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